Proceeding Book of The International Conference on Manpower and Sustainable Development : Transformation of Manpower in The Changing World of Work P-ISBN: …
The embedment of safety behavior and a safe environment for employees, could be assessed by using Safety Culture Maturity (SCM) model. SCM model is a descriptive model that describes a key factor of an organization’s safety culture at a certain level. Throughout the stages, the organizations could see a sequential breakthrough by creating strategies to strengthen and remove the weaknesses. Therefore, organizations needed to obtain the current SCM level as the baseline to reflect actual organizational safety performance and as a provision, base to compare the maturity stages’ progress annually. This research aims to outline the result of the SCM survey on current sites safety performance from two sites who has similar characteristic. The methodology of this research was using descriptive analytics with a cross-sectional study concerning primary and secondary data sourcing. Statistical test ANOVA was used to analyze the influence between the site’s SCM level on the overall safety performance, leading indicator, and its sub-indicators, thus lagging indicator and its sub-indicators. This research found that SCM level contributes to the behavior and strategies of the site to lower the rates of incidents. Then the result would become an endorsement to assess current organizations’ strategy and their safety performance indicato
Head of Organizer : apt. Nico Linggi Pongmasangka, S.Farm., M.M.
Deputy Head of Organizer : Octovianus Bin Rojak, S.Akun., M.Hum
Muhammad Eko Abrian Kusuma, S.A.B., M.A.
Secretary : Ni Luh Putu Nia Anggraeni, S.T., M.M.
Rut Gloria Anugrah, S.Pd., M.M.
Treasurer : Rokaesih, S.Kom.
IT and Website : Samsul Boin, S.Kom
Syaeful Ghozal, S.Kom
Publication : Ingrid Angraeni Gultom, S.H., M.Si.
Sponsorship : Cynthia Vanessa Djodjobo, S.I.Kom., M.M.
Yusnita Handayani, S.K.M., M.A.
Secretariat Division : Endah Dwi Yuningsih, S.Kom
Fariza Dewarani